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A guide to locating sources of information on contract law and on drafting contracts.

Secondary Sources

American Law Reports (ALR)

Consult the index to American Law Reports (ALR) to find relevant annotations.  ALR is also available via Lexis and Westlaw.

Restatement of the Law: Contracts
KF 395.A2 C66 1981 Reserve
available also on Lexis and Westlaw


Law Review Journals and Legal Periodicals

Index to Legal Periodicals and Books--Index to law reviews, journals and legal texts.  Some full-text available.

Legal Trac--Index to legal journals and newspapers, includes selected full-text articles.

Law reviews and legal periodicals and texts are also available on Lexis and Westlaw.  Check the respective database directories for title availablitiy and scope of coverage.



Search in the online library catalog for treatises on contract law.  You may also browse the shelves for books on contract law.  The call number range for contract law is KF 801 through KF 1050.  Some familiar treatises on contract law and their call number location in the library are:

Corbin on Contracts
KF 801 .C65 1993
available also on Lexis

Farnsworth on Contracts
KF 801 .F37 2004

Williston on Contracts
KF 801 .W53 4th ed.
available also on Westlaw

You may also want to look for subject specific treatises that would include a discussion of contracts.  For example, search under the subjects of Entertainers or Performing Arts to find treatises that would discuss contracts for artists, entertainers, and athletes.