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A guide to locating sources of information on contract law and on drafting contracts.

Primary Sources

Statutory Law

State statutes are available via Lexis and Westlaw.

Case Law

Finding Case Law Using the West Topic and Key Number System
To find case law pertaining to contracts utilizing West's Digest Topic/Key Number system, look under the West topic of "Contracts"  in any digest.  Scan the topic outline to locate the appropriate key number for cases pertaining to your topic.

On Westlaw, perform a search in the jurisdiction of your choice using the following search query:


"95" is the topic number for "Contracts," the letter"k" stand fors "key number," and the asterisk * is a place holder for the key number of your choice.

You may also want to look up your search term(s) in the Descriptive Word index of the digest set.  The Descriptive Word index will direct you to the topic used in the West Digests.