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A Blackletter Statement of Federal Administrative Law
A Guide to Business Inclusion Programs in Government Contracting: U.S. Federal, State, and Local Programs and Laws
A Guide to Federal Agency Adjudication
A Guide to Federal Agency Rulemaking
A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence for Lawyers
A Guide to Judicial and Political Review of Federal Agencies
A Guide to the Federal Torts Claim Act
A Handbook on Aviation Law
A Lawyer's Guide to Estate Planning: Fundamentals for the Legal Practitioner
A Lawyers' Guide to Filing Long-Term Disability Claims and Appeals
A Lawyer's Guide to Networking
A Lawyer's Guide to Section 337 Investigations Before the U.S. International Trade Commission
A Lawyer's Guide to the Alexander Technique
A Lawyer's Guide to Working with Special Needs Clients
A Lawyer's Journey: The Morris Dees Story
A Legal Guide to Enterprise Mobile Device Management: Managing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
A Legal Guide to Recovering for Flood Losses
A Legal Strategist's Guide to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Practice
A Litigator's Guide to Building Your Best Argument
A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge
A Litigator's Guide to Expert Witnesses
A Momentous Year in the Supreme Court: October Term 2021
A Practical Guide to Commercial Real Estate Transactions: From Contract to Closing
A Practical Guide to Cyber Insurance for Businesses
A Practical Guide to Organizational Ombuds: How They Help People and Organizations
A Practical Guide to Reimbursement in Managed Care
A Practical Handbook for the Child's Attorney: Effectively Representing Children in Custody Cases
A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions
A Practitioner's Guide to FINRA Sanctions Analysis
A Practitioner's Guide to Real Estate and Wind Energy Project Development
A Tragic Fate: Law and Ethics in the Battle Over Nazi-Looted Art
A Triumph of Genius: Edwin Land, Polaroid, and the Kodak Patent War
AARP Checklist for Family Survivors
ABA Consumer Guide to Mortgage Modification
ABA Consumer Guide to Obtaining a Patent: A Practical Resource for Helping Entrepreneurs & Innovators Protect Their Ideas
ABA Consumer Guide to Short Sales
ABA Fundamentals: Immigration Law
ABA Fundamentals: International Economic Systems
ABA Fundamentals: Products Liability Law
ABA Guide to Assisted Reproduction: Techniques, Legal Issues, and Pathways to Success
ABA Guide to Foreign Law Firms
ABA Immigration Compliance and Best Practices
ABA Legal Guide to Independent Filmmaking
ABA Medical-Legal Guides: Clinical Anatomy for Lawyers
ABA Medical-Legal Guides: The Forensic Autopsy for Lawyers
ABA Standards for Criminal Justice Dual Jurisdiction Youth
ABA Standards for Criminal Justice: Fair Trial and Public Discourse
ABA Standards for Criminal Justice: Monitors and Monitoring
ABA/AARP Checklist for My Family: A Guide to My History, Financial Plans, and Final Wishes
ABA/AARP Get the Most Out of Retirement: Checklist for Happiness, Health, Purpose and Financial Security
ABA/AARP Wise Moves: Checklist for Where to Live, What to Consider, and Whether to Stay or Go
ABCs of Arbitrage: Tax Rules for Investment of Bond Proceeds by Municipalities
Accelerating Lawyer Success: How to Make Partner, Stay Healthy, and Flourish in a Law Firm
Acting Skills for Lawyers
Adobe Acrobat in One Hour for Lawyers
ADR Advocacy, Strategies, and Practice for Intellectual Property Cases
Advertising Claim Substantiation Handbook
Advice to Thrive By: How to Use Your Résumé and Cover Letter to Build Your Brand and Launch a Dynamic Public Interest Career
Advising the Small Business: Forms and Advice for the Legal Practitioner
Agriculture and Food Handbook
Alternative Dispute Resolution in State and Local Governments: Analysis and Case Studies
Alternative Fees for Business Lawyers and Their Clients
Al-Tounsi: A Novel
America Votes! Challenges to Modern Election Law and Voting Rights
American Law Firms in Transition: Trends, Threats and Strategies
American Lawyers: Public Servants and the Development of a Nation
An Estate Planner's Guide to Buy-Sell Agreements for the Closely Held Business
An Estate Planner's Guide to Family Business Entities: Family Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and More
An Estate Planner's Guide to Qualified Retirement Plan Benefits
An International Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations
An Introduction to Law Firm Practice
An Island Apart: Britain, Brexit, and Bonaparte's European Dream
Anatomy of a Confession: The Debra Milke Case
Anatomy of a Mortgage: Understanding and Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Loans
Anatomy of a Trial: A Handbook for Young Lawyers
Anatomy of Mortgage Loan Documents: Understanding and Negotiating Key Commercial Real Estate Loan Documents
ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Pharmaceutical Patent Litigators
Android Apps in One Hour for Lawyers
Annotated Model Code of Judicial Conduct
Annotated Model Rules of Professional Conduct
Annotated Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions
Annotations to Surplus Lines Statutes
Annual Developments in Franchise and Distribution Law
Annual Franchise and Distribution Law Developments
Annual Review of Antitrust Law Developments
Antitrust and Economics of Product Distribution
Antitrust Class Actions Handbook
Antitrust Discovery
Antitrust Evidence Handbook
Antitrust Grand Jury Investigations Handbook
Antitrust Health Care Handbook
Antitrust Issues in Intellectual Property Law
Antitrust Issues in International Intellectual Property Licensing Transactions
Antitrust Law Developments
Arbitrating Patent Disputes: A Practical Guide
Arbitration and the Surety
Armies of Enablers: Survivor Stories of Complicity and Betrayal in Sexual Assaults
Art and Business: Transactions in Art and Cultural Property
Asia Ascending: Insider Strategies for Competing with the Global Colossus
Asset Forfeiture
Asset Forfeiture and Insolvency: A Parallel Case Management Guide
Asset Protection Strategies: Planning with Domestic and Offshore Entities, Volume 1
Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Lawyer's Guide to Emerging Law and Science
Avoiding Bad Depositions: A Simple Guide to Complex Issues
Banking Law Essentials
Bankruptcy and Intellectual Property Deskbook: A Guide to IP, the Internet, and Bankruptcy Law
Bar Exam Success
Basic Practice Series: Clean Air Act
Basic Practice Series: Clean Water Act
Basic Practice Series: ESA (Endangered Species Act)
Becoming the Tech-Savvy Family Lawyer
Beginner's Guide to Nonprofit and Affordable Housing Partnerships
Beginner's Guide to the Housing Credit
Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys
Best Practices for Building a High-Tech Law School
Best Practices in the Acquisition of a Government Contractor
Beyond Smart:  Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence
Beyond the Fracking Wars
Beyond the Work Product: A Guide to Relationship-Driven Transactional Lawyering
Bid Protests: A Guide to Challenging Federal Procurements
Bioinformatics Law: Legal Issues for Computational Biology in the Post-Genome Era
Biotechnology and the Law
Blockchain for Business Lawyers
Blogging in One Hour for Lawyers Ebook
Bond Default Manual, Volumes I and II
Brand Integrity: Strategies for Fighting Contraband and Counterfeit Goods
Bringing Medical Devices to Market
Broken Scales: Reflections on Injustice
Brownfields: A Comprehensive Guide to Redeveloping Contaminated Property
Build Your Practice the Logical Way
Building a Better Law Practice: Become a Better Lawyer in Five Minutes a Day
Building a Successful Collaborative Family Law Practice
Building Rainmakers: The Definitive Guide to Business Development for Lawyers
Building the Rule of Law: Firsthand Accounts from a Thirty-Year Global Campaign
Building Your Practice with Pro Bono for Lawyers
Business and Human Rights: Advising Clients on Respecting and Fulfilling Human Rights
Business Bribes: Corporate Corruption and the Courts
Business Divorce: Understanding Its Dynamics and Formulating Solutions
Business Torts and Unfair Competition Handbook
Business, Human Rights, and Sustainability Sourcebook
Buying and Selling Art and Collectibles: A Legal Guide
Can They Do That?  Understanding Prosecutorial Discretion
Cancer Rights Law: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Cannabis Law:  A Primer on Federal and State Law Regarding Marijuana, Hemp, and CBD
Careers in International Law
Careers in IP Law: Avenues and Opportunities
Careers in Sports Law
Casualty and Insurance Issues in Commercial Leases
Checklists for Lawyers
Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the System
Child-Custody Jurisdiction: The UCCJEA and PKPA
Children Held Hostage: Identifying Brainwashed Children, Presenting a Case, and Crafting Solutions
Chinese Expansion in the EU: Strategies and Policies of the Two Blocks and the Role of the U.S.
Chinese Family Law and Practice
CISG Basics: A Guide to International Sales Law
Civic Fusion: Mediating Polarized Public Disputes
Civil RICO: A Definitive Guide
Civil Rights Litigation: Representing Plaintiffs Today
Class Action Strategy & Practice Guide
Clean Air Act Essentials
Clean Water Act Essentials
Climate Change and Insurance
Cloud Computing for Lawyers
Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance
Collaborative Law: Achieving Effective Resolution in Divorce without Litigation
Collection, Demand, and Commercial Letters for the General Practitioner
Commercial Crime Insurance Coverage
Commercial Drone Law: Digest of U.S. and Global UAS Rules, Polices, and Practices
Commercial Leases for Restaurants and Franchise Operations
Commercial Lending Law: A Jurisdiction-by-Jurisdiction Guide to U.S. and Canadian Law
Commercial Mediation Practice Guide: A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and their Business Clients
Commercialization of IP Rights in China
Compendium of Client Protection Rules
Compensation Plans for Law Firms
Computer Games and Immersive Entertainment: Next Frontiers in Intellectual Property Law
Confronting Mental Health Evidence
Connecting with Your Client
Constitutional Law for Kids
Constitutional Policing: Striving for a More Perfect Union
Construction ADR
Construction Arbitration: The Advocate's Practical Guide
Construction Checklists: A Guide To Frequently Encountered Construction Issues
Construction Damages and Remedies
Construction Defects: Assessment, Analysis, and Resolution
Construction Insurance
Construction Law
Construction Subcontracting
Contract Drafting: Powerful Prose in Transactional Practice
Copyright Litigation Strategies
Copyright Termination and Recapture Laws: Good Intentions Gone Awry
Corporate Counsel Guides: Practice Basics
Corporate Crime & Financial Fraud: Legal and Financial Implications of Corporate Misconduct
Counseling Unmarried Couples: A Guide to Effective Legal Representation
Countering the Financing of Terrorism: Law and Policy
Covenants against Competition in Franchise Agreements
Creating an Online Publishing Strategy for Law Firms eBook
Crimes and Punishments: Entering the Mind of a Sentencing Judge
Criminal Law for Family Law Attorneys
Criminal Procedure in Practice
Crimmigration Law
Cross-Examining Psychiatrists and Psychologists: A Practical Guide
Cryptocurrency and Digital Asset Regulation: A Practical Guide for Multinational Counsel and Transactional Lawyers
Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection and Preservation of Heritage Resources
Cyberbullying Law
Cybersecurity for the Home and Office: The Lawyer's Guide to Taking Charge of Your Own Information Security
Damages Recoverable in Maritime Matters
Damages, A State By State Summary
Death of a Law Firm: Staying Strong in the Global Legal Market
Defining Moments: Insights Into the Lawyer's Soul
Design Professional's Guide to Construction Law
Design Your Law Practice: Using Design Thinking to Get Next Level Results
Developing a Successful Assisted Reproduction Technology Law Practice
Diminution in Value Damages: How to Determine the Proper Measure of Damage to Real and Personal Property
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Deskbook
Director's Handbook: A Field Guide to 101 Situations Commonly Encountered in the Boardroom
Disclaimers in Estate Planning
Discovery Across the Globe: Obtaining Evidence Abroad to Support U.S. Proceedings
Discovery Deskbook for Construction Disputes
Discovery Problems and Their Solutions
Distributed Generation Law: A Guide to Regulations, Policies, and Programs
Diversity in Action: A Manual for Diversity Professionals in Law
Divorce in the Golden Years: Estate Planning, Spousal Support, and Retirement Issues for Clients at Midlife and Beyond
DMCA Handbook for Online Service Providers, Websites, and Copyright Owners
DOJ Civil Antitrust Practice and Procedure Manual
Domestic Asset Protection Trusts: A Practice and Resource Manual
Don't Let Dementia Steal Everything: Avoid Mistakes, Save Money, and Take Control
Drones Across America: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Regulation and State Laws
Due Diligence of Trust-Owned Life Insurance
Early Neutral Evaluation
e-Discovery for Everyone
Effective Depositions
Effectively Representing Clients in Family Mediation
Effectively Staffing Your Law Firm
Electronic Discovery for Small Cases: Managing Digital Evidence and ESI
Electronic Evidence for Family Law Attorneys
Embrace GENgagement:  How to Transform Generational Challenges into Opportunities for You and Your Firm
Eminent Domain: A Handbook of Condemnation Law
Encryption Made Simple
Endangered Species Act: Law, Policy, and Perspectives
Energy Antitrust Handbook
Enhancing Justice: Reducing Bias
Ensuring an Informed Public: State Open Records and Meetings Laws
Entertainment Careers for Lawyers
Environmental Aspects of Real Estate and Commercial Transactions: Acquisition, Development, and Liability Management
Environmental Issues in Business Transactions
Environmental Liability and Insurance Recovery
Environmental Litigation: Law and Strategy
Environmental, Social, Governance: The Professional's Guide to the Law and Practice of ESG
Equal Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Equine Law and Horse Sense
ERISA and Employee Benefit Law: The Essentials
Essential Qualities of the Professional Lawyer
Estate Planning for Same Sex Couples
Estate Planning for the Muslim Client
Ethical Standards in the Public Sector: A Guide for Government Lawyers, Clients, and Public Officials
Ethics and Environmental Practice: A Lawyer's Guide
Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law
EU Business Law
Exclusion: Strategies for Improving Diversity in Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion
Exemptions and Exclusions under Federal and State Franchise Registration and Disclosure Laws
Fair Fight: Legal Ethics for Litigators
Family Law Arbitration: Practice, Procedure, and Forms
Family Law Attorneys and Parenting Evaluators: Improving Professional Collaboration
Fastcase: The Definitive Guide
Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook (2016)
Federal Criminal Discovery
Federal Government Construction Contracts
Fifty-State Survey: Daubert v. Frye€”Admissibility of Expert Testimony
Fifty-State Survey: The Law of Eminent Domain Ebook
Fifty-State Survey: Toxic Exposure Claims
Financial Institution Bonds
Financial Performance Representations: The New and Updated Earnings Claims
Find Info Like a Pro, Volume 1: Mining the Internet's Publicly Available Resources for Investigative Research
Find Info Like a Pro, Volume 2
Find Your Landing Zone: Life Beyond the Bar
Finding Bliss: Innovative Legal Models for Happy Clients & Happy Lawyers
First National Vaccine Law Conference: Papers and Proceedings
Fix It: How History, Sports, and Education Can Inform Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Today
Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times
Flying Solo: A Survival Guide for the Solo and Small Firm Lawyer
Foreclosure Defense: A Practical Litigation Guide
Forensic Psychology Consultation in Child Custody Litigation: A Handbook for Work Product Review, Case Preparation, and Expert Testimony
Formal Ethics Opinions: 2013-2023
Forms & Substance: Specialized Agreements for the Construction Project
Formulas for Calculating Damages
Foundations of Sustainable Development: Law, Regulation, and Planning
Franchise and Dealership Termination Handbook
Franchise Deskbook: Selected State Laws, Commentary, and Annotations
Franchise Law Compliance Manual
Franchising Cases, Materials, & Problems
Freedom for All: An Attorney's Guide to Fighting Human Trafficking
Freedom for All: An Attorney's Guide to Fighting Human Trafficking
Frequently Asked Antitrust Questions
Frequently Used Terms in Automobile Finance Transactions: The Jargon, Lingo, and Lore
From Handshake to Closing: The Role of the Commercial Real Estate Lawyer
From the Trenches III: Pretrial Strategies for Success
From the Trenches: Strategies and Tips From 21 of the Nation's Top Trial Lawyers
FTC Practice and Procedure Manual
Fundamentals of Construction Law
Fundamentals of Franchising
Fundamentals of Franchising - Canada
Fundamentals of Franchising - Europe
Fundamentals of Insurance Regulation: The Rules and the Rationale
Fundamentals of International Franchising
Fundamentals of Municipal Finance
Genetics: A Handbook for Lawyers
Getting Started as a Real Estate Attorney
Getting Started with Advance Directives
Getting the Whole Truth: Interviewing Techniques for the Lawyer
Global Chemical Control Handbook: A Guide to Chemical Management Programs
Global Climate Change and U.S. Law
Google Gmail and Calendar in One Hour for Lawyers
Government Contract Law: The Deskbook for Procurement Professionals
Great Minds Think Differently: Neurodiversity for Lawyers and Other Professionals
Green Building and the Construction Lawyer: A Practical Guide to Transactional and Litigation Issues
Guide to Business Divorce
Guide to Executive Compensation: Legal and Regulatory Compliance Issues
Guide to Patent Policies of Standards-Development Organizations
Guide to Privacy: The Corporate Social Responsibility Series
Guide to Service Subcontract Terms and Conditions
Guide to State Procurement: A 50-State Primer on Purchasing Laws, Processes, and Procedures
Guide to U.S. Government Practice on Global Information Sharing
Guidebook for Directors of Nonprofit Corporations
Handbook for Indenture and Trust Indenture Act Interpretation
Handbook of Practical Planning for Art Collectors and Their Advisors
Handbook of Practical Planning for Artists, Art Collectors, and Their Advisors
Handbook of U.S. Antitrust Sources
Handbook on Antitrust in Technology Industries
Handbook on Global Social Media Law for Business Lawyers
Handbook on Scope of Antitrust
Health Care IT
Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook
Health Law Essentials
Healthcare Cybersecurity
Heirs' Property and the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act: Challenges, Solutions, and Historic Reform
Her Honor: Stories of Challenge and Triumph from Women Judges
Her Story: The Resilient Woman Lawyer's Guide to Conquering Obstacles, Book 2
Her Voice in Law
HIPAA: A Practical Guide to the Privacy and Security of Health Data
Hire and Retire:: A Plan for a Continuing Income Stream in Retirement from Any Practice
How Brain Science can Make You a Better Lawyer
How Successful Law Firms Really Work
How to Be Abe Lincoln: Seven Steps to Leading a Legendary Life
How to Build a Real Estate Law Practice
How to Build and Manage a Family Law Practice
How To Build And Manage A Personal Injury Practice
How to Capture and Keep Clients
How to Do More in Less Time: The Complete Guide to Increasing Your Productivity and Improving Your Bottom Line
How to Draft Bills Clients Rush to Pay
How to Play the Game: What Every Sports Attorney Needs to Know
How to Start a Law Firm When You're Broke
How to Succeed as a Trial Lawyer
How to Train Your Expert: Making Your Client's Case
How To Win Medicare Appeals
Hydraulic Fracturing: A Guide to Environmental and Real Property Issues
Immigration Compliance Auditing for Lawyers
Impact Investing and Social Enterprises: Global Progress and Challenges
Implementing Institutional Controls at Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites
Indirect Purchaser Litigation Handbook
Infectious Disease Litigation: Science, Law & Procedure
Infectious Disease: Policy, Law, and Regulation
Information Security and Privacy
Infrastructure from the Ground Up: Civil Engineering Works for Lawyers
Inherited IRAs: What Every Practitioner Must Know
Innovative Legal Service Applications: A Guide to Improved Client Services
Inside Out: How Conflict Professionals Can Use Self Reflection to Help Their Clients
Insolvency Explained: Bankruptcies, Assignments, Bulk Transfers, Receiverships, Probates, and Workouts
Insurance Antitrust Handbook
Insurance Law for Common Interest Communities: Condominiums, Cooperatives, and Homeowners Associations
Intellectual Property and Antitrust Handbook
Intellectual Property Misuse: Licensing and Litigation
Internal Corporate Investigations
International Antitrust Cartel Handbook
International Family Law Desk Book
International Franchise Sales Laws
International Investigations and Merger Reviews: A Handbook for Antitrust Counsel
International Mergers and Acquisitions Due Diligence
International Practitioner's Deskbook Series: International Litigation Strategies and Practice
Internet Publishing Perils and Practices
Invention Analysis
Investigating the Workplace Harassment Claim
Investing for Social Impact, Economic Justice, and Racial Equity
IP Protection in China
IP Strategies for Medical Device Technologies: Be Your Own Incubator
IP Valuation for the Future: Trends, Techniques, and Case Studies
iPad in One Hour for Lawyers
iPad in One Hour for Litigators
IRA Guide to IRS Compliance Issues
Jiu Jitsu Jurisprudence
Job Quest for Lawyers: The Essential Guide to Finding and Landing the Job You Want
Joint Tenancies: Property Leasing in Cannabis Commerce
Joint Ventures: Antitrust Analysis of Collaborations Among Competitors
Juggling Life, Work, and Caregiving
Justice at Dachau: The Trials of an American Prosecutor
Knowledge Management for Lawyers
Labor Arbitration Practice: An Advocate's Handbook
Land Use Regulation: A Legal Analysis and Practical Application of Land Use Law
Landing a Federal Law Job: Finding Success in the U.S. Government Job Market
Law and Reorder
Law Firm Cybersecurity
Law Office Policies, Procedures, and Operations Manual
Law Office Policy & Procedures Manual
Lawyer Interrupted: Successfully Transitioning from the Practice of Law--and Back Again
Lawyer, Activist, Judge: Fighting for Civil and Voting Rights in Mississippi and Illinois
Lawyering with Planned Early Negotiation
Lawyers as Managers: How to Be a Champion for Your Firm and Employees
Lawyers, Liars, and the Art of Storytelling: Using Stories to Advocate, Influence, and Persuade
Lay Words for Lawyers
Leader Upheaval: A Guide to Client-Centricity, Culture Creation, and Collaboration
Learning from Law-Firm Leaders
Legal Asylum: A Comedy
Legal Ethics and Social Media, A Practitioner's Handbook
Legal Guide to Doing Business in South America
Legal Guide to Video Game Development
Legal Malpractice Insurance in One Hour for Lawyers
Legal Project Management
Legal Project Management in One Hour for Lawyers
Legal Upheaval: A Guide to Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation in Law
Legal Writing Exercises: A Practical Guide to Clear and Persuasive Writing for Lawyers
Legal Writing: A Judge's Perspective on the Science and Rhetoric of the Written Word
Legally Chocolate: A Confection of Cocoa in the Courts
Legally Mom
Lemon Law: Cars in the Courtroom
Lender Force-Placed Insurance Practices: A Guide for Plaintiff, Defense, Insurance and Corporate Counseling and Litigating Claims and Defense
Lessons Learned from a Life on Trial: Landmark Cases from a Veteran Litigator and What They Can Teach Trial Lawyers
Letters for the Small Business Lawyer
Leveraging Life Insurance Premium Payments: Using Split-Dollar and Related Party Premium Financing Techniques
Lifestyle Analysis in Divorce Cases: Investigating Spending and Finding Hidden Income and Assets
Limited Scope Legal Services: Unbundling and the Self-Help Client
Lincoln's Counsel: Lessons from America's Most Persuasive Speaker
Linkedin In One Hour for Lawyers
LinkedIn™ Marketing Techniques for Law and Professional Practices
Litigating Adverse Possession Cases: Pirates v. Zombies
Litigating Constructive Trusts 
Litigating Parental Alienation: Evaluating and Presenting an Effective Case in Court
Litigating Small Business Size Appeals and Protests
Litigating the Aviation Case
Litigating the Nursing Home Case
Litigation Interest and Risk Assessment: Help Your Clients Make Good Litigation Decisions
Litigators on Experts: Strategies for Managing Expert Witnesses from Retention through Trial
Little Book of Basketball Law
Little Book of Coffee Law
Local Government, Land Use, and the First Amendment: Protecting Free Speech and Expression
Locked Down Information Security for Lawyers
MacCarthy on Cross-Examination
Macs in Law: The Definitive Guide for the Mac-Curious, Windows-Using Attorney
Making Partner
Managing and Litigating the Complex Surety Case
Managing E-Discovery and ESI
Manufacturing Business and the Law: A Guide to the Laws, Regulations, and Careers of the U.S. Manufacturing Revival
Market Definition in Antitrust
Market Demand Based Planning and Permitting
Market Power Handbook: Competition Law and Economic Foundations
Marketing Success
Mass Torts in the United States
Mastering Crucial Moments in Separation and Divorce: A Multidisciplinary Guide to Excellence in Practice and Outcome
Mastering the Art of Depositions
Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Gain an Edge in Questioning and Selecting Your Jury
Mediating Legal Disputes: Effective Techniques to Resolve Cases
Mediation for Estate Planners: Managing Family Conflict
Medical Biotechnology: Premarket and Postmarket Regulation
Meeting the Legal Needs of Disaster Survivors: Third Responders
Mental Health and Conflicts: A Handbook for Empowerment
Mergers and Acquisitions: Understanding the Antitrust Issues
Microsoft OneNote in One Hour for Lawyers
Military Discharge Upgrade: Legal Practice Manual
Misrepresentation in the Life, Health, and Disability Insurance Application Process
Model Jury Instructions in Civil Antitrust Cases
Model Jury Instructions: Business Torts Litigation
Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation
Model Jury Instructions: Product Liability
Model Rules of Professional Conduct
Model Witness Examinations
Modern Captive Insurance: A Legal Guide to Formation, Operation, and Exit Strategies
Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions
Money Laundering: Legislation, Regulation, and Enforcement
MORE Sticks and Bricks: A Lawyer's Guide to Advanced Construction Systems and Techniques
Moving Diversity Forward: How to Go From Well-Meaning to Well Doing
Municipal Law Deskbook
Narrowing the Gap
National Security Law in the News
Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases
Navigating Emotional Currents in Collaborative Divorce: A Guide to Enlightened Team Practice
Navigating EU Privacy and Data Protection Laws
Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers
Never Enough
New TSCA: A Guide to the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act and Its Implementation
Nine Principles of Litigation and Life
No-Fault Insurance Anti-Fraud Litigation: A Practitioner's Guide
Nonlegal Careers for Lawyers
Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy
Of Counsel: Forms and Advice for Legal Practitioners
On Level Terms: 10 Legal Battles that Tested and Shaped Soccer in the Modern Era
One Hundred Days Before Trial: A Family Lawyer's Guide to Preparation and Strategy
Opposing the Adverse Expert: A Comprehensive Guide for Every Stage of Litigation
Own the Map: Marketing Your Law Firm's Address Online
Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers
Parallel Proceedings
Parent-Child Reunification: A Guide to Legal and Forensic Strategies
Parenting Plans: Meeting the Challenges with Facts and Analysis
Passing the Torch without Getting Burned: A Guide to Law Firm Retirement and Succession Planning
Patent Claim Drafting Practice: Tactics, Strategy, and Analysis 
Patent Freedom to Operate Searches, Opinions, Techniques, and Studies
Patent Neutral: Expanding Use of ADR for Settlement of Patent Disputes at the PTAB
Patent Trial Advocacy Casebook
Patents Demystified: An Insider's Guide to Protecting Ideas and Inventions
Personal Branding In One Hour for Lawyers
Personal Finance for Professionals
Perspectives on Predictive Coding and Other Advanced Search Methods for the Legal Practitioner
Pet Law and Custody: Establishing a Worthy and Equitable Jurisprudence for the Evolving Family
Pharmaceutical Industry Antitrust Handbook
Physician Law: Evolving Trends and Hot Topics
Pleading Your Case: Complaints and Responses
Populist and Islamist Challenges for International Law
Positive Professionals: Creating High-Performing Profitable Firms Through The Science of Engagement
Powerpoint in One Hour for Lawyers
Practice Points for Trial Lawyers: A View from Both Sides of the Bench
Practitioner's Guide to Secondary Financing in FHA Programs
Pre-ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Developing a Drug Product and Patent Portfolio
Preliminary Relief in Patent Infringement Disputes
Premerger Notification Practice Manual
Preparing for a Federal Jury Trial
Preparing For Baby: All the Legal, Financial, Tax, and Insurance Information New and Expectant Parents Need
Preparing for Trial: 60 Days and Counting
Preparing Plain Legal Documents for Nonlawyers
Preparing Witnesses: A Practical Guide for Lawyers and Their Clients
Preserving Appellate Complaints in Federal Courts
Pricing on the Front Line
Principles of Constitutional Environmental Law
Privacy, Security, and Information Management
Private Equity and Venture Capital Tax Manual
Private Equity Antitrust Handbook
Product Liability
Professional Liability to Third Parties
Professionals, Firms, and Fraud
Proof of Conspiracy Under Federal Antitrust Laws
Property Insurance Litigator's Handbook
Proving Antitrust Damages: Legal and Economic Issues
Psychology for Lawyers: Understanding the Human Factors in Negotiation, Litigation, and Decision Making
Questions and Answers for Litigators
Quickbooks in One Hour for Lawyers
Rantings of a Partner...and Pushback from the Associate
Reasonable Expectations: Interpreting Insurance Policies in Common Law Jurisdictions
Recent Developments in Business and Corporate Litigation: Class Action Law
Recent Developments in Business and Corporate Litigation: Securities Litigation
Recruiting Lawyers: How to Hire the Best Talent
Regulatory Takings after Knick: Total Takings, the Nuisance Exception, and Background Principles Exceptions: Public Trust Doctrine, Custom, and Statutes
Reinventing Witness Preparation: Unlocking the Secrets to Testimonial Success
Religious Property Disputes and the Law: House of God, Laws of Man
Representing Clients in Mediation
Representing Franchisees
Representing Parents in Child Welfare Cases: Advice and Guidance for Family Defenders
Representing People with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers
Representing People With Dementia: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers
Representing People with Mental Disabilities: A Criminal Defense Lawyer's Best Practices Manual
Resolving Gerrymandering: A Manageable Standard
Resolving Insurance Claim Disputes before Trial
Results-Oriented Financial Management: A Step-by-Step Guide to Law Firm Profitability
Review of Consumer Protection Law Developments
RICO State-by-State: A Guide to Litigation under the State Racketeering Statutes
Ridesharing Law and Liability
Right of Publicity: Analysis, Valuation, and Current Legal Status
Risk Management: Survival Tools for Law Firms
Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment
Rule the Rules of Workplace Wellness Programs
Russia Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law
Safe Haven in America: Battles to Open the Golden Door
School Bullying: How Long is the Arm of the Law
Second Acts for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers
Secret Justice: A Novel
Sections 409A and 457: Answers to 300 Frequently Asked Questions
Settlement Negotiation Techniques in Family Law: A Guide to Improved Tactics and Resolution
Settlement of Patent Litigation and Disputes
Sexual Harassment and Retaliation: A Practical Guide for Plaintiff and Defense
Smarter Pricing, Smarter Profit: A Guide for the Law Firm of the Future
Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier
Social Media Law: A Handbook of Cases & Use
Solo and Small Firm Legal Technology Guide
Solo Lawyer by Design: A Plan for Success in Any Practice
STAR! Finding Artistic and Commercial Success in the New Entertainment Industry
Stark Law: A Practitioner's Guide
State Action Practice Manual
State and Local Government Procurement
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Survey of Federal Class Action Law: A U.S. Supreme Court and Circuit-by-Circuit Analysis
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Taxation of Entertainers, Athletes, and Artists
Team Defense in Criminal Cases
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