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Widener Law Commonwealth Faculty and Adjunct Guide

This guide is specific to resources available on the Harrisburg campus.

Research Assistant Form

Faculty should contact their Library Liaison to initiate the process for library training for their Research Assistant. 

Once a signed Research Assistant Authorization Form is completed, please forward it to your Library Liaison.  They will secure a specialized library card and a copy card for each Research Assistant.  They will also set up a time to train and familiarize the Research Assistant with the following: 

  • Library Catalog
  • Borrowing / Checking out materials
  • Printing and Copying
  • Interlibrary Loan
  • Worldcat
  • Databases
  • anything else requested can be learned at an advanced training session
You may authorize your Research Assistant to check out materials in his / her capacity as your Research Assistant.  Authorized Research Assistants may check out circulating items for a semester and non-circulating items for a week.  The unbound journals circulate for a limited time period.  Although renewal is possible, photocopying the desired article would be appreciated to allow access to other patrons.
You may also authorize your Research Assistant to photocopy materials in his / her capacity as your Research Assistant.  Authorized Research Assistants will use the specialized copy card assigned to each faculty member. 

Research Assistance Training

research assistance training syllabi