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Copyright Law

An introduction to copyright research aimed at assisting Prof. Tonya Evan's Copyright in the 21st Century seminar class.

Introduction to Copyright Law

Copyright Law serves to protect certain works from unauthorized copying.  Primarily regulated by federal law, copyright is largely governed by the Copyright Act of 1976. Because of the preemption provision of the 1976 Act, state copyright laws typically extend to governing additional rights not covered by the federal law.

To begin your research, it is recommended that you select a secondary source to familiarize yourself with the broad concepts and goals of Copyright Law.  A secondary source or current awareness service can also point you toward an emerging or "hot topic" in the fields of copyright or intellectual property that you can use as a topic for your paper.

The Basics of Copyright Law

Extremely concise overview of general principles and intent of American copyright law.

Geneneral Copyright Websites

Copyright Law Study Aids

Most current study aid materials are located on the shelves next to the Law Library's computer lab.

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