Indexes more than 1,400 titles including major law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association journals and international legal journals, plus full-text access to over 100 law reviews.
A link to the American Law Reports index entry for "Animals." Use this to find articles on a wide range of animal law topics, including thorough citations to state and federal case law. See, for example, the American Law Report on "Ag-Gag" Statutes.
See Animal Fighting, Animal Pelts, Animals, Cruelty to Animals, Dog Law, and Dogs in the index. Additional information may be in other areas. Use the index to find additional references. If you are researching a particular statute section(s), see the Table of Laws & Rules.
See "Criminal Law" Chapter 21, Part X: Cruelty to Animals (§§ 21:45-21:84) [vol. 5]. Additional information may be in other areas. Use the index to find additional references.
With titles from the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Animal Welfare Institute, this collection aims to establish the foundational laws pertaining to animals and follow the evolution of these rights throughout the years. It includes philosophical books dating back to the 1800's, videos, periodicals, brochures, and more.